Saturday, December 30, 2023

How this Jesuit became Buddhist.

“Death is the Great Teacher.” --Anon

Sunday, December 24th, 2566


My friend James Ishmael Ford Roshi quotes Koun Yamada Roshi: “The ancients spoke of three essential conditions for Zen practice: First: Great faith; second: great doubt; third: great determination. These are like the three legs of a tripod.” OK, James, I accept this formulation but like a challenge or a proposition that might map some terrain that is fairly normal for your run of the mill pre-Buddhist seeker. Let’s see if it holds water.

My first reaction is, holy Jesus, I wish it were that simple. Can I start off by re-complicating the situation, or at least setting it in a real life context? We need to get real, and get down to a few basics from experience, not listing three high sounding abstractions. That’s almost Tibetan. We’re doing Zen..

Old Yamada had a bit of luck or leisure or maybe both to actually formulate something before he was thrown into the abyss of great doubt. Perhaps he waded through it cool as a cucumber. He undoubtedly came from a good family as the suttas say plus had several virtuous lives under his belt so that when he got knocked off his rocker, he had something to grab onto. Of course I can’t forget to mention that he was also sitting on the high seat in the meditation hall so it was his job to formulate something that sounded so neat and clean that any jackass could do it. Plus being Japanese, he had a peculiar way of dealing with emotion--with a slight smile and downcast gaze, never a loud voice or flash of anger. But don’t ask this reasonably mild-mannered (but still brash if you scratch the surface) American to perfectly reflect any of those virtues before we start or we’ll never start.

And James, standing in Yamada’s lineage, you say with equanimity: “It is with this that we are invited into this consideration (our lives) following three strands, faith, doubt, and energy.” I suppose that if I can stand back after my experience, perhaps with the added perspective of three or four boring lifetimes, I’ll be able to utter those words with the deadpan my mind is currently conjuring up.

In my story I have to rearrange the sequence a bit. After a bit of preamble, I will start where I started: Doubt. And it wasn’t an intellectual exercise. What can we hold onto when we really start to fall? It was more like a downward spiral, not a trip to the library where we look up the etymology of a few Sanskrit words and then go back to our cushion with the fire power required to stare down the nasty demons who came to intrude on our solitude. It was pitch black dark and almost completely hopeless, or at least that's what I experienced.

By the early 1970’s I had already been introduced to the rudiments of introspection. It was mostly through the lens of New Age gurus in California who were exploring the intersection of psychology and what people ordinarily called spirituality. I came to hate that word “Spirituality.” It became a garbage pail for anything that strayed from the dogmatic straight and narrow or couldn’t be explained by science. Our telescopes are limited so let's see what astrology looks like if we shift our vantage point for the ancient constellation charts to latitude 37°45′25.20″ North, longitude 122°26′56.40″ West. It will be a more accurate reading than Varanasi. The effort was pretty useless, but I tell myself it was only Buddhism 101.

Along the way I’d been introduced to the concept of impermanence. I can’t say that I understood it, but at least I began looking for change, and tried to adjust even if my own world remained tight as a drum. I’d also been introduced to the concept that doubt might be a virtue rather than a hindrance. Welcoming doubt was convenient, It allowed me to dismiss many of the untenable doctrinal positions that Jesuits were taught to defend. The romanticized version was “The Dark Night of the Soul” where doubt was overwhelming and required an act of grace or god to relieve the anguish, and lead of course to a more enlightened position. It was very quixotic, like the self-indulgent icon of the angry young man, or the rational scientist teetering on the edge of his hypothesis who would eventually come down on the right side

I had also begun a daily meditation practice. I had meditated in the Jesuit way, which, after our first years of strict formation, became somewhat laissez faire. It was post-Vatican 2. Most of the formal structure had been set aside except during periods of retreat. For me, and I would say a majority of my Jesuit peers, we lied to ourselves about our “spiritual life.” It had become a concept, and not a very clear one at that. If I spent hours organizing an action to protest the war in Vietnam, I would call it “contemplation in action.” It was for the good of all humankind. There are only so many hours in the day and we all had a lot on our plates. But now, for the most part, actually sitting quietly every day was part of my routine. I had also learned the proper yogic posture and had begun to master basic meditation instructions. They were so simple that they could be easily dismissed, but they also had staying power.

I left the Jesuits, moved to San Francisco along with the thousand gay men each month flooding the Castro in the mid 70’s. I met Harvey Milk before he ever held office and became involved in what I imagined was the next phase of the liberation movement that had started at Stonewall in 1969. It was an exciting time. The tight knit Castro community had to deal with the assassination of Harvey Milk and George Moscone, but in my early 30’s, I’d hoped that we were strong enough to withstand the battering of real tragedy. I also thought that I had to make my separation from the Jesuits complete. I stopped referring to myself as an ex-Jesuit and, with a few exceptions, cut myself off from Jesuit friends. My parents for the most part also cut me out of their lives, both utterly disappointed and angry. They thought I was wasting my education, my life, trying to carve out a life as an openly gay man. The door for any conversation was closed.

At least by 1982 or 83 there were reports of a strange disease that seemed to attack gay men and kill them within a few months. Fear began to spread in the community. The disease didn’t have a name. No treatment had any effect. No one knew how it was transmitted which fueled our paranoia. Soon, too soon, the number of cases began to skyrocket. When we learned that the “gay cancer” was spread through sexual contact, there was panic. I remember it well. At the outset of the pandemic, we knew that almost everyone who was sexually active would die, and our friends began to die in huge numbers. Just within my zip code a hundred men were dying each week. If you didn’t see someone for a few days, your first thought was that they were dead or dying, not that work called them away or they went to visit family,

It’s still difficult to talk about that long decade. I feel some obligation to try because I experienced it. I put words on a page and other people read them. I remember asking my grandfather what he had heard about the Civil War. He was born in 1882. His father would have been 12 or 13 when War with the South broke out, too young to serve in a Union Army, but he certainly knew men who did. So did my grandfather, but he said nothing. There were memorials on the commons in every town across New England, usually a large boulder inset with bronze plaque etched with the names of the local men and boys who went to fight and never returned. On the Nichols Green, our small village, I recognized some old family names among the 30 or names listed, but not a hundred years after that slaughter ended, Memorial Day, or Decoration Day had become a time for parades and the family picnics of my childhood. The fallen soldiers had almost entirely been forgotten. Maybe a few formulaic phrases appeared in speeches in Washington, and we memorized the Gettysburg Address. In terms of uttering nearly sacred words, I have to ask myself how Lincoln’s few sentences are different from the memorized catechism Yamada uses to describe the conditions for Zen practice.

It is that difficult to speak about the pain that give rise to the “Great Doubt.” On a personal level, by 1987 I could barely face walking into the Castro, knowing that I would inevitably bump into some friend racked with wasting syndrome, looking decades older, frail and obviously at death’s door. I had been living in the neighborhood for years, and over the course of that decade I would rip at least 250 names out of my address book. There were at least that many more acquaintances, friends of friends, who suffered painful deaths. Everyone who was HIV positive died. From my own group of friends from those 12 or 13 years, only three remain alive. Both World Wars together were less than a decade and many men came home, The epidemic was longer and the toll was staggering. The psychological effects were devastating and lasted for many years for some, perhaps most of us who lived through it and survived.

I could have put my head down and simply tried to live life as normally as possible, and to some extent I did that. For many of us that simply meant isolating, going to work and staying home every night. Some even left San Francisco. They returned to Boise or Des Moines and moved into the basement of their parents’ home. That ended accompanying friends on doctor's visits hoping for the good news that never came, followed all too quickly by a sparsely attended memorial service. That was one response. Escaping to the country from the site of mass infection has been a strategy since the Black Death. Then there was ACT UP. We organized protests, and defended the gay man who threw a communion wafer on the floor of Saint Patrick's Cathedral. It was one response to the loud noise coming from some religious people that gay men were getting the punishment they deserved. We lobbied for free AZT. We read about every new experimental treatment and helped friends get into drug trials.

My own response vacillated between activism and denial. I went to memorial services and doctors appointments. I had dinner with friends who were isolating, but I also put my head down and pretended that life was normal, that I had to make a living and go to the opera. But what was happening to my inner life was complete annihilation. My sense of self-worth was crumbling, I had spent years working to overcome my own homophobic demons, and now they were being resurrected stronger than ever. Gay did mean dead. Any comforting remnants of spirituality vanished. There were a few religious heroes who stood up and held out their hands, but I had no appetite to fight Pope Benedict’s refusal to support the use of condoms in Africa to stem the spread of the disease. He could have chosen to stay quiet but became a barbarian zealot instead. The crowds shouting “Die” were winning, at least in my inner life. I understood why my grandfather could say nothing about friends who had fought in the Civil War. The bloodshed had been unimaginable. I understood why friends' fathers said nothing about their experience in World War 2 other than to remember the day it was over. By 1989 our liberated gay world was dead or dying and there seemed to be no hope. The epidemic’s end was nowhere in sight. We grabbed at every sign of hope but were always disappointed. Two friends committed suicide. Several others became drug addicts. Two were murdered.

Although it is difficult to unlink despair and doubt, I can pinpoint the exact moment and place where I took steps that began to change my world. I had to do something. My personal relationship was on the rocks. Maybe I should get back to a more formal rigorous meditation practice. I’d heard about a small zendo in the Castro. In the fall of 1988, I found the basement door and let myself in a few minutes before 6 AM. I was alone. I sat on the cushion nearest the door. At 6 a slight man came down the stairs alone holding a stick of incense. As he made his way to the altar for the opening ceremony, he leaned over and whispered to me, “We sit facing the wall.” I shifted around, the first of many directions that I followed without asking a lot of questions. We sat. Issan rang a bell to signal the end of the period, handed me a card, and I stood for the chanting service which I could barely follow, Then it was over. On the way out, he smiled and said, “If you decide to come back it gets easier.” I started to sit every morning. Once in a while there were one or two others, but never more than a half dozen.

I seemed to have found my way into a setting and a group that took meditation seriously. I will fast forward through a whole series of incidents that appeared random, the death and cremation of Yogi C.M Chen, the first real Buddhist practitioner I’d ever met, the death of my dear friend Nancy Storm, my discovering the Zen Hospice Project and the training where at the end of the second day, Frank Ostaseski invited Issan to sit with us and answer questions. During the training I had had lots of flashbacks to taking care of Nancy while she was dying, difficult moments when I had no idea what to do, what to say. I raised my hand. Issan turned and looked at me. I forgot what I had intended to say but blurted something out. It made no difference. He simply turned to look at me, and I knew right away that he was totally present. I knew then that this was the man I had to work with.

On the way out the door, Issan told me that there would be a meeting at Hartford Street the following week about the Hospice he was starting. I could come if I was interested. I showed up. There were perhaps six or seven of us in the small living room at Hartford Street. Paul Rosenblum, Rick Levine and Steve Allen, all Zen monks and old friends of Issan were there. Issan began by saying that so and so couldn’t attend but it was sure that he would help out. Thank you all for coming. Paul and Rick asked about funding. Issan assured everyone that we could cover our expenses by pooling everyone’s disability payments. This was wishful thinking or insanity, but I was just being introduced to the group so I just listened. While the meeting was in progress, one of the current residents was moving out with all his belongings, including the dining room table. He was obviously less than pleased to be evicted so that two men with HIV could move in. I would be their Zen Hospice volunteer for six to eight hours a week. Within six months, I would be living on a mattress in a small attic room above Issan; the hospice would take over the building next door, and we would be caring for 5 dying men. Within a year I would close my business, become the Development Director, then the Executive Director, and we would be taking care of 8 men with a 24 hour staff. This was the beginning of Maitri, the first residential Buddhist Hospice in America.

When I said that my meeting Issan in the Hartford Street Zendo was where I could pinpoint real change, but don’t think this marked an end to my descent into fear and doubt. In many ways, it amplified it. Now I didn’t have just my own inner voice saying that the world was ending and gay people were going to die, I heard variations on that theme from partners who were at wits end trying to deal with the imminent death of men they loved and parents who dutifully came to say goodbye. Some of those parents thanked me for doing what was impossible to do in the towns across America that their sons had fled. Some left as quickly as they’d appeared. I heard it from a hymn singing group of Jesus freaks. The estranged mother of one young man met them on the bus and decided that The Almighty was sending a message she had to pass on to her brilliant twenty year-old son who was angry as hell that he was dying and totally helpless. My job was to get rid of them, yelling, screaming, protesting that I was blocking the message of the one true god. I’d just about had messages from the one true god up to my ears, but I remained civil as I escorted them out the door singing praise songs.

Although Issan and Phil were Soto monks and didn’t do koan practice, somehow the story of a young Rinzai monk snuck under the door. The 19 year old Hakuin Ekaku experienced bewilderment, and almost quit practice when he read about Yántóu Quánhuō (Japanese Gānto Zenkatsu), a Chinese Zen Master who screamed out when he was being murdered by bandits, The story says that he could be heard tor 5 miles. I easily identified with both characters in the story, My inner screams could be heard for miles if I let them out, but I was in a leadership role in a practice center, an AIDS hospice and I had an obligation stay calm and do what was in front of me, but like Hakuin I was bewildered when the practice didn’t quiet my inner screaming

I was not unique. I don’t want to give the impression that I am some kind of saint. There were many others, straight medical professionals, a vast army of social workers the majority of whom seemed to be lesbian. We all were just doing the best we could given the circumstances. I dutifully went to meetings of my support group, but I still felt an obligation to push myself even when it became unhealthy. I worked until the burnout became too visible to ignore..

One of my responsibilities was maintaining the hospice waiting list which meant that I visited everyone whose social worker had referred to Maitri. We only had eight beds, but there was always someone either struggling alone in a Tenderloin SRO or stuck in Ward 86 with no place to go. No one could maintain a universal waiting list. I remember interviewing a very lovely man about my age at Garden Sullivan Hospital. His doctor had given him a 6 month diagnosis and thought that Maitri might be a good place for him. He’d been well educated, Jesuit trained as I recall, and held a responsible position until he couldn’t work. I wanted to put him on the waiting list, but he told me that when the time came, he would call his friend, a priest I knew at Most Holy Redeemer. I wished him well and left. Three months later his obituary appeared in the BAR. He’d been found dead in a doorway in the Tenderloin. I felt an immense regret. I didn’t blame the priest for not being able to provide promised or hoped for help. The man simply fell through the cracks of an imperfect system. It happened all too often. As Issan often told me, we were at war, and as in any battle you held your ground for as long as you could and did your best. That was where I would look for “The Great Determination” Yamada talks about, or what James calls energy. Those of us who were healthy had to keep going for as long as we could.

An entire generation of young gay men were decimated by HIV. I survived, but I cannot wear it like a badge of honor. It was a burden, and to some extent continues to be. I have a few friends about my age who are also survivors. We met in the circles of recovery or debriefing or trauma reduction. Maitri took a toll. I postponed taking care of myself. The practice saved me--it provided a container for my personal anguish, but the rigor even of a lay Soto practice center would always bump into the demands of caring for the dying.

Issan’s friends gathered around him to take care of his dying in the way that he intended--a very public teaching. He lived out his final years under the same roof with 80 ordinary men who died of the same disease. But as far as creating Maitri as a permanent part of zen practice, we’ll leave that for the Catholic nuns who start hospitals after their founders die. Philip Whalen came to Maitri because he was Issan's friend. and that is as far as the obligation extended. When he became Abbott, he told me in no uncertain terms, “Shut it down.” I convinced him to give me time to separate the hospice from the zen center and find a new home. He agreed. Within 2 years of Issan’s death, Maitri was in the process of moving to a new facility with an independent secular administration.

For the best part of the next decade after I left Maitri and Hartford Street, I continued to practice. I did at least 4, sometimes 5 sesshin a year. I started to work with the koans. I admit that it took some time to adjust. I even finished the Mumonkan, but there were wide areas of neglect in my personal emotional life that practice was not remedying. It could not. I remember doing dokusan with Bob Aitken. It took me almost six years to pass “Mu.” After Bob told me that my answer to the koan was “maybe a little closer, but no” before he rang the bell, he would ask what else was going on. I talked a lot about the hospice, my relationships with others at Hartford Street, many of whom he knew well, areas where I knew I was stuck, and he would listen. He just listened. When he said something that might be considered advice it was always from his experience. He was wonderful. He didn’t try to make zen do the impossible. Once in a while he would mention that he had done psychotherapy himself and found it useful.

Though I didn’t want to forget the experience of Maitri, and I couldn’t set it aside. I knew that some of the experiences stood in my way, but I didn’t know what to do with them. Jerry Brown visited once when Richard Baker visited San Francisco and was going to lecture. Jerry was actually wonderful. He visited the men in their rooms and spent time talking, asking and answering questions. My friend Rob Lee was following him and taking pictures. Brown posed for a canned kind of shot with one patient, and after we’d left the room and the door was closed he turned to Rob and said, “Burn it.” This was between his terms as Governor of California and before he was Mayor of Oakland, but he was a public figure, so he had professional boundaries.. I had only enough to survive and help my friends live as fully as they could although they would not survive. The immediacy of my strategy postponed my looking at my own issues, for example the residue of sexual abuse and exploitation at the hands of a New Age guru, my blindness to self care. Without a clear agenda, I handled my experience exactly the way Jerry Brown had handled the photograph of him with the man dying of AIDS--”Burn it.”

The dawn of Buddhism in the West contains some very magical thinking. In 1988 or 89. I went to a Teaching about the Tibetan Book of the Dead with Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche in a huge ornate hall that I imagined had once been the chapel of the Lone Mountain campus of USF. The young tulku climbed up on a high throne-like seat twice a day for 4 days, Wednesday to Saturday, and carefully explained that the bardo states were the “In-betweens” of experience, and that some kind of experience continued after the body died. I hope that, if true, there is some recall mechanism when I die because there was a lot of ground that I did at all understand, but the description of Mind felt accurate. There were no more than 12 of us who sat through the long sessions.

On the last day. the actual initiation, the “Bardo Empowerment," was a public ceremony and soon the hall was overflowing with hundreds and hundreds of pale, emaciated, scared, and sickly men. I remember it being a standing room only, but it was more than 35 years ago so my mind might be playing tricks. What is certain is that all those men who were there would be dead within a few short painful years if not months. They were contemplating death, and perhaps they had read bits and pieces of the Book of the Dead. I thought it was an understandable reaction to fear clouded with magical thinking. Tibetan empowerments always have specific instructions on how to practice to gain the blessing. I thought that Jamgon Kongtrul was both compassionate and marvelously wise when he told all those dying men to live their lives as fully as possible for whatever time they had left. I was and am among the men who received those instructions from the high lama. I knew the men who died and I know some who lived. I cannot see any rhyme or reason. Life does not seem fair or it certainly does not have human standards of decency. But there is still a promise about life itself that exists. For me, my hope is that Great Faith is what is left after all the magical thinking falls away.

I would later experience another huge downward spiral. Perhaps it was delayed PTSD. I had done perhaps 30 sesshins, but I started to step away from practice. To justify it, I called it “Forced Practice Syndrome” as if I’d been forced to do the hard work of practice, meditation, and starting a hospice. In reality those areas that had not healed were festering. My addictive nature got the upper hand. I thought nothing of doing crystal meth and flooding my body with more than 100 times the euphoric endorphins of sex on a regular basis.

I woke up on Buddha’s Enlightenment Day in 2010 after several days of doing drugs. I realized that I could have been in sesshin for Rohatsu as I had so many times. I also knew that I had a week of recuperation before I would return to a modicum of normalcy, and it became very clear that I had to get clean and sober. The effort of recovery required the kind of energy that Yamada describes as Great Determination. In less technical terms, I’d call it digging deep. Great determination was at least motivated in part by fear of falling into despair or madness but also a clear sense that something else is possible for my life. I did the work and continue to do it with the help of many friends.

Issan’s friends gathered around him and helped him use his death from HIV as a teaching. He wanted to die where he felt at home surrounded by friends who loved him. His friends made that possible. All of us had to give something up, but we did it willingly. I am blessed, honored, I’m not sure of the correct term, to have been present as a remarkable man faced a painful death while he continued his practice. It was not an easy task, but it really only required doing what was in front of me, and it is the reason for “The Record of Issan.”

Monday, December 18, 2023

Try rebuilding a 150 year old pipe organ!

 “We will be saved by Beauty.” --Blessed Dorothy Day

Since about October 18th, I have been getting up at 4 AM in Bangkok to watch a few folks dismantle a small pipe organ in the huge Norwich Roman Catholic Cathedral, pack it into what seemed to me to be just an ordinary van, drive through the night, and unload it into an abandoned convent chapel in Ernee France. For about 25 TV hours, I’ve watched them reassemble thousands of pieces, a giant Lego puzzle with an extremely complicated inner mechanism, and all they used were a few sharpies and tape to label the pieces, plus their iPhones to shoot lots of pics of things as they found them. Often I was left wanting to see more. I am amazed.

Not one of them is an organ builder. Only one can really carry a tune and knows middle C on the keyboard, but there are at least 10 ranks of pipes and two keyboards, and they’re all hooked up to the bellows. They dusted off more than a hundred years of dust, wear and tear, and rescued an instrument that had been used to play our imitations of the angelic choirs since about 1850. They call her “Old Girl.” They handle this project with curiosity, love and respect, and seem to be having a great time. They are conscious of their task, the instrument itself, the people who had built and played it as well as the nuns who used to pray in their ornate abandoned chapel in a small city in Northwestern France. At the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, a young bearded priest in jeans and a hoodie whom they call Father Paul was in the thick of it getting his hands dirty and bemoaning the150 years of dust and grime. A young Frenchman called Yannis gives me hope that Gen X still has the stuff to take care of our world. Billy and Michael’s father is completely part of their lives. Their list of friends with benefits is long, perhaps with its own waiting list, and Nick Moon showed what Billy calls the fabulous skill set of nudging pieces together.

I tried to watch “The Crown” and failed. I’ll take the Pethericks over the Windsors any day of the week. They are truly kind to one another. They are real. They are willing to take risks. They share themselves and what they are doing, not some fabricated image of what they should be. They are so respectful of the past, the real past, the country they live in and its religion, as well as each other. I always feel better about my world after 25 minutes of watching ordinary people taking extraordinary care of an ancient pipe organ or a 17th century French convert. It’s certainly an oddball formula but it works. My only criticism is that after years in France, Billy ought to  have more than “Merci” in his French vocabulary but he certainly makes up for it with creative ideas about engaging his wide audience. He got me. I’m a total fanboy.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Father God, S.J.

Postquam recens nuncium meum Latine salutatus est clamoribus haeresis, illud iterare decrevi. In nostra disceptatione de Iesuitis laudabilibus dignis, notare volumus aliquot saltem misanthropes, qui per eandem sacram institutionem accesserunt. In Nova Anglia multis modis distinctos esse videtur. De caeco sanctitatis parte nonnulla scribam prolixa.*

In a recent discussion of Jesuit teachers who had an "edifying" effect in our lives, I wanted to share about some Jesuits who had a lasting effect though as they say “the jury is still out,” and although it might better that they have not been called back, I am going to violate the keep-your-mouth-shut rule.

John McLaughlin hosted the syndicated television program, The McLaughlin Group, from 1982 until he died in 2016. It was usually a wild affair, pretending to have all the subtle nuance and intellectual rigor of a Paris salon, overseen by the sagesse of a Diderot. I would side with Ronald Reagan who said that McLaughlin took the TV political commentary and turned it into Animal House. (In my second year at Dartmouth I was “rushed” by the real Animal House, Alpha Delta Phi, so I could put on my resume that I actually attended a weekend party that made it to the Big Screen, but in reality it made it to the drunkalogue part of my 12 Step work).

In my senior year at Fairfield Prep, JJ was my Latin, English, and Religion teacher. We called him Father God. Looking back he ran our home room just like his TV show. He would proffer some dry dogmatic summary of a position and then we were called upon to opine. Then he would set us straight. He was a bully. When one of us broke one of his rules, the offending student would kneel in the front of the room with arms outstretched, an old noviceship mortification. Once when the guffaws spread and Father God ordered another kid up front to kneel with outstretched arms on the other side of the raised platform, my friend Jack Madigan yelled out, “You can be The Good Thief.” McLaughlin started to laugh but said, “Pretty good Madigan but not that good. Get up here and assume the position.” Of course he provoked fury. Once he was attacked by a knife wielding student who hid himself behind one of the huge ornamental bushes that lined the path between Bellarmine Hall where he had his rooms and Xavier where most of the classrooms were located. He claimed that a thick flowing cape-like affair over his cassock providentially prevented his certain death. God had been watching out for him. He was definitely cut out for TV.

He was probably the most Latin literate of any Jesuit that I ever studied with. My memory tells me, perhaps with some faulty mechanism, that we did Cicero in our last year, though I think that most of the orations were tediously translated in third year. However I remember him being almost theatrical as he took us through the Philippics, but it might have been Contra Catalinam. Now I see that classical fluency was his entrance ticket into the political class; Cicero was almost a god. His classicism also affected his Christian doctrine. I remember his talk contra masturbation. He talked at length about the Latin derivation of the word, manus plus turbo, with particular emphasis on the strong circular motion. It was about the only instance I can remember of getting an erection studying Latin until he linked the arguments contra with some high sounding, but specious meandering into the classical virtues of virility and restraint. In retrospect it was a nearly perfect jesuitical circumlocution--he never used the English word “sex.” Not once. He said, “manus turbo, that about describes it. Let’s leave it at that.”

In 1970 he became the first Jesuit priest (and perhaps the only priest ever) to run for the US Senate. At about the same time that Bob Drinan won a seat in the US House of Representatives, McLaughlin asked for permission from his superiors to run for political office. He was denied, but went ahead regardless. He was recruited (or forced his own way in) by the Rhode Island Republican Party to put up a token fight against the Democratic stalwart, Senator John Pastore. Of course he lost, but his bombastic style gave him enough notoriety to catch Richard Nixon’s attention and he became one of Nixon's speech writers although he’d really been angling to become the Chair of the FCC. He was one of the last men standing in Nixon’s White House. When Nixon was being rushed across the White House lawn to the waiting helicopter and exile in San Clemente, McLaughlin said, "History will judge him the most moral of presidents." That's close enough though probably not something that you'll find in the official Congressional record. He’d become just an asskissing Republican whore.

McLaughlin remained a priest through a brief stint in the Ford’s White House, but, this is really just my best guess, living the freewheeling lifestyle in the notorious Watergate Apartments, “The Republican Bastille,” including his well known womanizing, eventually forced his laicization in 1975.

“Predictions!” signaled the closing moments of his TV show. Mclaughlin saw the future of TV when there were just three major networks dominating Americans’ viewing habits. I was his hand picked editor of “The Bellarmine Letters,” The Prep’s quarterly literary magazine. In reality the position was nothing more than being his gopher, doing research and requesting submissions that he would completely rewrite. In 1961 I have a very clear memory of extensive research on what he called “subscription TV.” He really did see that consumers would willingly pay for receiving a transmission signal. This was almost a decade before the advent of PBS and Turner Broadcasting.

In 1990 I wrote to McLaughlin congratulating him, not for The McLaughlin Group, but for his hosting the 200th episode of “Cheers.” I liked the show and I actually thought that I might get a response even though it was almost 30 years since Fairfield Prep. I searched the archives of my emails to see if I could find what I said, but alas it has disappeared. I can only find this brief clip of the event on YouTube,

I told him that he had uncovered the true hidden character of the “Mclaughlin Group '' -- the Irish barroom brawl. His buddy Pat Buchanan was a carbon copy of one of my drunk, racist Irish uncles holding forth; poor Eleanor Cliff trying to get a word in edgewise over the yelling was a misogynist’s perfect setup; I probably left out that I felt he treated Clarence Page in such a condescending way he might as well have been Uncle Tom. I was trying to be honest and yet setting a tone that might be an opening to say what I really thought. Of course he never responded. Why would he? I was just a kid who’d been his gopher way back when he was a Jesuit priest looking for true vocation as a member of the political elite, and I was being passive aggressive anyway.

All that Jesuit training, years, the best education that money can buy, and not one ounce of humility in his bones. Although as they say “we lost touch,” I could see no observable signs of any self-awareness either. I can still hear his weirdly pitched voice yelling “Wrong.” When we meet in heaven I will yell it in his ear.

*After my recent post in Latin was greeted with screams of heresy, I’ve decided to repeat it. In our discussion of praise-worthy Jesuits, I would like to point out that there were at least a few misanthropes who came through the same sacred formation. In New England it seems that we were worlds apart in many ways. I will write some long pieces about the dark side of sainthood.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

You're Under Arrest by the Fashion Police

If you're trying to dress to get some of that long overdue respect, here are some pointers for a Roman prelate under the gun.

Oh Dear Cardinal Burke, Down in the dumps are you? I know you’re about to lose your papal stipend and get kicked out of your groovy Roman digs, but this looks like you decamped to Motel 6. Going on social media to create some sympathy as the beleaguered ecclesiastic sad face of the ancient Knights of Malta and whip up your equally dubious supporters? This will never do. Here are some tips from the Vatican’s fashion police.

Try to look the part. 

Gather around you bright young people who seem enthusiastic about the message of the Lord. 

Make sure your acolytes have had proper sleep and can pay attention to what they’re doing instead of making sure that all their pleats line up correctly. 

Let them look you in the face instead trying to avoid eye contact as if they spent all night playing with themselves, alone or with others.

You’ve included hats for any eventuality. I count three. They’re all terrible.

Be color coordinated, but that green has got to go. And what’s with mother’s mittens?

If you were a posing for Gary Larson’s Farside instead of filing dubia in favor of the deposit of faith this might pass, but let’s face it honey, go back to 1869 and play kissy face with Pius 9. You need cheering up.

Respectfully submitted, your faithful Fashion Police

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Let's go back to calling it heresy

This is going to get me into trouble. Reflections on a certain kind of theological reflection inevitably leads to trouble.

My friend the Zen teacher John Tarrant once had dinner with renowned poet Czeslaw Milosz at his house on Grizzly Peak in Berkeley. Among the tales of a fine dinner conversation was this tidbit--Milosz was very interested in studying the various heresies and heretics that have run afoul of the institutional church over the years, even back in the days when the cost of thinking outside the norm could cost your life. Or perhaps the connection between controversy and rigid thinking might have been part of his Polish dissident psyche.

But there is another side to heresy that interests me. What happens when your personal belief system just drives your mind into a wall, and there is no escape? We’ve set the fires aside, thankfully, though we still have religious wars that seem as senseless as ever to the unbeliever, but heresy still wreaks havoc.

Last night, my newsfeed pictured Mgr Jean-Louis Balsa, who was just appointed to the post of archeveque of Albi in southern France. Balsa seems to be a very likable fellow, with a jolly smile, but I have really no idea why Google choose this clip other than I follow the comings and goings of Pope Francis and his response to the dubia that several recalcitrant cardinals throw out as taunts, trying to alter the direction of (in their view) an errant magisterium. I remembered that Albi had been the hotbed of a bloody heresy a millennium ago, but it seemed implausible that Google’s algorithm reached back to 1163. The Albigensian heresy held a rather gnostic view of man’s fate, caught in a fierce battle between the forces of pitch-black darkness and the glorious light of an afterlife. 

So much passes as religion in this day of political and spiritual correctness. The same news feed informs me that Mormonism is the 9th wealthiest religion in the world, just ahead of Scientology. Then they proceed to describe the LDS as a Christian sect. Not since 1896 when Mormons renounced polygamy as the price for admission of Utah to the Union has anyone dared call Joseph Smith a heretic, but I will, at least from any accepted understanding of Christianity. At least L Ron Hubbard was honest enough not to label his sect a Hollywood version of Dale Carnegie’s self-improvement courses or tell us that Jesus in the Temple in Jerusalem told his followers to sell everything they owned so that he could buy a private jet or pay an astronomical price for “going clear.” But my reading of the assassination of Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum in 1844 was precisely because of objections to his 40 wives, some as young as 14. This was not a practice that led the early martyrs to death in the Coliseum. (I am not saying that there are many upright god-fearing Mormons who love their children and pay their taxes, but Mormonism is a cult with very strange connections to the life and teaching of Jesus).

Returning to 10th century Albi, the Cathars held certain beliefs about Jesus and the doctrine of the Incarnation that were outside long-held institutional beliefs, but there were also beliefs about human nature that the established Roman church found threatening. They held that humans were spirits trapped in fleshly bodies engaged in a conflict between the forces of Light and Darkness. The consequences of that battle were all that mattered. The institutional church of Pope Innocent III aligned with the French House of Caput found this belief so threatening that they redirected the armies of the Crusades from retaking Jerusalem from the Muslims to southern France, where they slaughtered thousands of people and destroyed the remnants of these Manichean believers. Religious wars were bloody in olden times, though humans still engage in this kind of doctrinal war, gauging from the reported number of casualties in Gaza since October 7th. 

In New Age California, among the Light and Love crowd, there is a lot of uncritical talk about the body being some kind of learning vehicle for the soul. We are spirits having a learning experience by being incarnated in bodies or some such bullshit. Bob Hoffman even goes so far as to try to give trapped souls an emotional component, which he called the Quadrinity--the body, spirit, intellect, and emotional self, each separate and distinct and operating at less than optimal capacity. I am not out to ignite a religious war to engulf Berkeley and other hotspots around the world, but this is complete nonsense springing from the supernatural understandings of the Spiritualist Church movement. 

I am going to try to resurrect “heresy” and simply define it as adherence to a particular school of thought and separate it from bloody crusades or burning at the stake. What are other heresies floating around today that pretend to be Christian?

Heresy: The Prosperity Gospel from Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” to the predatory Rev. Ike and Rev. Creflo Dollar. (That can’t be his real name, but I admit that it has a kind of ring to it). Motivational speaking has been developed and honed, particularly in the United States, but it is not Christianity. 

Heresy: I have to include dear, well-intentioned Mary Baker Eddy and her Christian Science. Bows to Mind over Matter, elevating this prattle to a higher level, but it is not Christianity, even though my Irish mother thought that Mind over Matter was the underlying rationale of the Sermon on the Mount. 

Heresy: The Westboro Baptist “Kill the Fags” cult is high on my list of perverted religious ideologies. Another cult. The leaders rely on a very selective reading of selected passages from the corpus of Christian texts. The problematic texts do exist, however the condemnation is a bit extreme and the reading very literal. God apparently abhors metaphor or analogy.

Anathema: Franklin Graham et al. Liberty University and the Empire of the Self-Righteous. They just seem to be self-serving, greedy pricks. I know it is the same kind of language that they hurl against the libtards, but what the hell, if we are throwing all the use of language and critical thinking to the dogs, I have chosen not to waste words. Go take care of your pool boy toy, Franklin, and try to keep his mouth shut. And just shut up.

The Narcissistic Heresy: There may be something about the positive psychology of Norman Vincent Peal other than to have trained Donald Trump in doublespeak, but looking at what was preached from the Marble Collegiate Church, it is nothing more than a sanctification of American greed. That he was honored by Ronald Reagan with the Presidential Medal of Freedom speaks volumes. It may be hard to really trace the lineage of Trump’s assault on the rule of law, but there is nothing positive in this line of thinking. It is narcissism. God did not create other people for our individual abuse and exploitation. 

Enough. You get my point. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

When the Sirens of Holy Hill called to me

Blue Cliff Record, Case 34: Yangshan’s No Visit to the Mountain 

Yangshan asked a monk, “Where have you come from?” 

“Lu Mountain,” replied the monk. “

Did you go to Wulao Peak?” asked Yangshan.

“I didn’t,” answered the monk. 

“Then you don’t know about mountains at all,” said Yangshan. 

Yunmen commented, “These words were spoken out of benevolence, but the conversation fell into the weeds.” 

When I start to riff on a Zen koan that I'm working on with my teacher, I can sense my listener’s eyes glaze over. Don’t worry that is part of meditation too, but perhaps I am jumping the gun. First let’s talk about dreams.

There were certain conversational conventions between student and teacher back in the good old days of Zen a thousand or more years ago in China. The question “Where have you come from?” was a catchall for Who have you worked with? What are you up to? What interests you and how much progress have you been making? If you gave a truly enlightened answer, it might survive a millennia and puzzle future students.

A few days after I began work on this “conversation in the weeds”  I woke up very early with a dream fresh in my mind. It was not a nightmare of the terribly frightening order but still unsettling. I had been posed a question that I was expected to answer: What Jesuit theologates should be saved and which put on the chopping block? Apparently as in the dream context, my answer had consequences though part of the anxiety was that I could not put my finger on the reason why.

One thing that the dream made clear is that Jesuits have this conversation about visiting famous monasteries and working with great teachers all the time. I’d almost missed it. When we Jesuits and former Jesuits meet each other, among the “get to know you” questions are “Where did you do your theology? Did you ever work with Father so and so at Alma, or JSTB or Woodstock?” “Our mutual friend Father FX came back from Louvain a changed man, don’t you think? His French sucks but at least you can talk to him.” “ I’m sorry that I had to leave Regis before I was able to finish the series that Lonergan was giving.” (Of course now in the days of jet travel, professional Jesuit schools share their talent. I spent a summer with Lonergan at Boston College in 1968 and didn’t really understand a thing. I was so taxed trying to distinguish his work from the rote scholasticism that was still lingering after Vatican 2, I barely passed the oral exam). 

When I applied for theology I chose Woodstock. Just 6 years after the closing of Vatican 2, there was still a mystique about it. More than any other American Jesuit theological institution, it had deeply influenced John 23’s vision. John Courtney Murray had almost single handedly persuaded the assembly to adopt the ground-breaking Declaration on Religious Liberty Dignitatis humanae  which he pretty much authored. Gus Weigel died before the Council ended but, for this young Jesuit he was as important as Rahner and several people on the Woodstock faculty had been close to him. I wanted to really understand the backstory of Lumen gentium. Moving to the Upper West Side to join a consortium that included Hebrew Union and Union Theological was very exciting. When Father Minister assigned me to the small community on West 102nd Street where Avery Dulles would be our mentor, I jumped at the chance.

I was only at Mount Woodstock a little more than a year before the Sirens of New Age theology called me to Holy Hill, JSTB, Bob Ochs, Claudio Naranjo, Master CM Chen, Tarthang Tulku and the Nyingma Institute. The work was obviously very different from Woodstock. Far more introspective. By the end of that year, I’d sat a long retreat with Dhiravamsa and studied Luke’s Gospel narrative with John McKenzie. If I were a name-dropping monk, I'd hit the jackpot. 

But Yangshan and Yunmen won’t let me get away with it. What drags this conversation out of the weeds and fills it with compassion? I will go back to the meditation hall once again.

Jesuit School of Theology, 1735 Le Roy Ave, Berkeley, CA, Schools &  Educational Services NEC - MapQuest

533 × 400

Saturday, November 18, 2023

I feel like my hands are tied and I’ve been gagged.

We are watching incredible carnage, forced to watch what is presented on the TV. No matter what channel I choose, MSNBC or Al Jazerra, it is horrific. I want to say something. I have to say something. I can’t stand on the silent side of history like the Germans, Spaniards and Italians, including the Pope, who thought that Hitler was going to win the war he started. They played it safe to save their skin which cost millions of lives. They chose the wrong side of history. It’s easy to see in hindsight. Many of them have tried to defend themselves by saying that they didn’t have accurate information. There might have been a suspicion that the Final Solution was underway but only later was the true horror of the Holocaust revealed. Their self-justification follows something along this line of reasoning: the Germans had been crushed in the first world conflict and the sanctions imposed at Versailles had also crushed any possible recovery. Hitler’s fascism was a perfect fit for a wound that wouldn’t heal. The harsh vindictiveness of Wilson, Lloyd, Clermenceau and Orlando did not include a Marshall Plan.

I’m horrified to see Jews murdered at music events, kibbutznik driven from their homes. I can’t watch grandmothers and children taken hostage. I have many Jewish friends and I sense the pain and frustration of not being heard or misunderstood as they defend Israel’s military response. But neither can I stand by and watch hospitals cut off from electricity and medicine while babies die and innocent civilians caught in the crossfire are not able to receive the life saving care they need.

I ask myself why I feel helpless and tongue tied? Who has tied my hands and gagged my mouth? I feel loyalty to my Jewish friends, but I also have numerous Muslim friends, mostly in India, who feel marginalized and excluded. Bibi Netanyahu didn’t sell me his justification for invasion. I’ve never believed one word out of his mouth. I don’t buy into Hamas’s propaganda either, but something in me is screaming that no amount of past harm justifies barbarism in the present. This seems to apply equally to both sides. 

Why am I feeling pressure to take sides? I know that I could just lie low, not offend anyone and see what happens. Why does anyone think that he or she can really know what’s going on in Gaza? Did we learn anything from the American involvement in the War in Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers? Did we imagine that once we’d uncovered massive criminal lying on the part of any state, it would magically disappear? I just listened to a podcast by Edward Snowden. He highlighted that the sheer amount and complexity of the information that governments now collect and analyze make it even harder to detect the gross distortion of information. He contends that it is going on, and not in plain sight. I have no confidence that I have all the facts. That is really the only certainty that I have. My inability to trust reporting slanted by either side ironically strengthens my inner resolve to speak up. 

Having said all that one might think that I’ve left myself very little room to solve my own dilemma. Both sides have tried to take me as their prisoner. However, I am going break free--just sticking to what can be said with any certainty, Hamas committed a grave offense with their unprovoked attack. That alone justifies Israel’s right to self-defense. I condemn Hamas but not the Palestinian people. I support Israel's right to defend themselves but cannot not extend that to justify the continuing settlement of occupied territories nor their almost messianic drive to expand their footprint. Hamas may have provoked Israel to incite worldwide condemnation of the expected massive attack. There can hardly be another possible motive, but as Israel’s far superior IDF or Tzahal swings into action, I hope they act with restraint that wins the world’s approval. That would be a difficult task even for King David’s armies. Nevertheless that is my prayer, or just as in the past, there will be no winner.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Pedophile priests ruined many lives.

Many people have asked me about how I reacted to the ongoing scandal of priests sexually abusing children in their care. I knew one or two dismissed from the priesthood and one who stood on the right side of history but whose ministry ended nonetheless.

I was a Catholic seminarian in Boston when the pedophile priest scandal was brewing. I use the term brewing because the stinky mess was happening in the dark. I had no inkling that anything was amiss. When I saw Todd McCarthy’s film “Spotlight” 50 years later, I wondered how I could have missed it. The priestly caste loves dark rumors, but the priestly veil of secrecy is also thick. We all missed it. Of the 2,324 priests who served in Boston during the last half of the 20th century, 162 were credibly accused of abusing more than 800 children and minors. Those numbers are staggering. I remember reading the original stories in the Boston Globe in 2002 and then Cardinal Law’s quick removal to Rome, where John Paul II promoted him to the cushy sinecure as Archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore with a stipend of $12,000 a month, a substantial raise above his salary as the Archbishop of Boston. That seemed like a reward and left a terrible taste in the mouth of everyone incensed by his willful blindness. It inflamed those who the abuse had actually injured.

Although I was a Jesuit scholastic, I had strong connections with Boston’s regular clergy. In the summer of 1969, the final year of Cardinal Cushing’s era, I started working for a young diocesan priest. Mike Groden had started The Planning Office for Urban Affairs for the Archdiocese. This was a very unreligious designation for an official arm of the Catholic Church because Mike set it up to do some very innovative work outside ordinary parish life. I liked that.

Father Mike was only a few years older than me. He was boyishly good-looking with a great Irish smile. He was very much a priest but also a social activist with the sharp political instincts of a Democratic ward boss. After the Boston race riots in the summer of 1967, he became committed to racial equality. He did Saul Alinsky’s training for community organizers.

I had finished my two years as a Jesuit novice, completed an abridged philosophy requirement at Boston College, and had just been accepted into The Graduate School of Design at Harvard for a degree in architecture and planning. My mentors at the Boston Architectural Center told me that a young priest was looking for an intern to work on a low-income housing project. I had the summer off. Several other young Jesuits and I had rented a small house on Oak Street off Inman Square. We were all grad students at Harvard. I called Mike, and he hired me immediately. This was a great match.

Every morning, I rode my bicycle from Cambridge down Massachusetts Avenue to an office in a small, older building near The Old State House. Sister Faine McMullen, a sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, was also a lawyer whom Mike had met during the Alsinky training, and I shared two small rooms in the back. The office administrator was the daughter of one of the wealthiest Jewish developers in Boston. A conscientious objector, Mosik Hagobian, worked under the auspices of the Office, although he spent most of his time in a young architectural office on the floor below. Our small team seemed perfect for a liberally educated anti-Vietnam War activist post-Vatican 2. It also reflected Father Mike’s instinctive ability to assemble an effective team.

I mentioned that Mike was politically well-connected. Lyndon Johnson’s HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) was flush with cash and administered by a cohort of bright young people convinced that the change promised by the War on Poverty was possible. Mike had secured a promise for a million-dollar grant, seed money for a community development corporation with a program that Mike designed. In the 1960s, a million dollars was a lot of money. He had identified a low-income Italian community in East Boston that was fighting the encroachment of Logan International Airport into their community. I never asked and was never told how he had secured the HUD money or picked East Boston, whose leader was a fiery Sicilian priest, Monsieur Mimi Pitaro. After one dinner in the rectory of Holy Redeemer Church, I had no doubt who was in charge, but I was also very impressed by his careful listening to the needs of his community and commitment to help. I joked with Mike that Mimi seemed like a Don who cared for his folk. Mike agreed that I was not far off.

In my role as Mike’s deputy community organizer, I told Mimi that the development corporation could engage in various businesses to alleviate the impact of the airport’s rapid expansion. Mimi was insistent: Thank you very much, but we need housing. This single-mindedness was to shape the future of the East Boston Community Development Corporation as well as The Office for Urban Planning for years beyond that first summer. My job was to write the proposal for HUD. I’ve never had a more productive two or three months in real terms, dollar and sense terms. I didn’t write the founding documents for a community development organization but my proposal secured seed money for an agency that would develop 600 units of low-income housing over the years. It also set Mike on course to develop three thousand units of low-income housing working with parishes of the Archdiocese over the next decades.

We secured the money within weeks of submitting our proposal, and The Planning Office had an MOU with HUD to establish the agency. We immediately began looking for an Executive Director. Mike told me that if I wanted to submit my name, I would get “favorable consideration.” I loved the work, and I 
considered it. Briefly. This was the summer of 1968. The assassination of Martin Luther King, followed by that of Bobby Kennedy, and the disruption and protest against the War in Vietnam had radicalized me. Rather than disrupt the long course of Jesuit studies, I decided to apply to begin the last part of a Jesuit’s training before ordination.

I moved to Woodstock College in New York City for my first year of theology and then onto the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, California, but I would call Mike occasionally. The work of the Planning Office was thriving; he loved being a priest, and sometime in the 1980s, he was made pastor of a church in Boston’s Back Bay, Saint Cecilia, a cavernous building whose old-time parishioners had mostly feld downtown Boston. Mike set about reviving the parish through music. Of course, he could raise funds to restore its three organs, organize choirs, and hire choirmasters, but knowing Mike, it was also an opportunity to engage a community in conversation about the things that mattered. He reached out to the LGBT community in a way that circumvented the official stance of the Church. Back Bay was one of Boston’s gay neighborhoods. Mike himself was also gay. He succeeded brilliantly.

Then came the investigation of the Boston Globe's “Spotlight” and calls for the resignation of Cardinal Bernard Francis Law. Of the hundreds of priests and religious in Boston, only about 70 signed the petition demanding that Law be fired for the coverup. And Mike’s name was there, the highest-ranking priest on the list. He was on the right side of history.

Richard Gerard Lennon, Law’s auxiliary bishop and the placeholder after public pressure forced Law out of Boston, put the screws to Mike. Doing two jobs does not allow a priest to collect two salaries, even if that amounts to not much more than $40,000. Mike had not collected any salary as pastor of Saint Celia, but for two years after the church could afford to pay him, he was still compensated for his work as the director of the Planning Office. There was some barrier in Canon Law prohibiting priests from being excessively paid. In 2003, Mike resigned rather than fight. It was retribution. He moved to his family home in Scituate, Massachusetts where he lived out the rest of his life. I have no idea how much money he had for retirement, but Cardinal Law's $144,000 per year was certainly considerably more. About 2010, I called for the last time, and we had a long conversation. I could not find a trace of resentment in the hour we spent looking over the years.

Cardinal Law died in 2017 in the embrace of one of the oldest of Rome’s churches dedicated to the memory of the Virgin Mary. Though he had been removed from the Archdiocese of Boston, people who had petitioned for his removal did not see any real progress in addressing the scandal. The Church of Benedict had shielded him. Father Mike died in 2018 on the shores of a windswept beach town south of Boston. His supporters and admirers who had protested his removal gathered in Saint Cecilia to say goodbye. They felt no satisfaction either.

If there was any regret on Mike’s part, it might have been that the church he loved and served had taken away the possibility of official ministry, but I am sure he found a way. He always did.

Mike was certainly not involved in any sexual abuse, but his life as a priest was deeply affected by it.


Mimi Pitaro became the first priest elected to the Massachusetts Assembly shortly after we set up the East Boston Community Development Corporation.

Sister Faine McMullen RSCJ spent her long life working and advocating for the poor and disenfranchised. She lived to be 101 years old.,13533?

East Boston Community Development

Priest Who Spoke against Law Resigns

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Am I Magu?

The Blue Cliff Record, Case 31

Magu Circles the Chan Seat 

Magu went to Changqing* and, holding his staff, walked around his Chan seat three times. He brought his staff firmly to the floor, shaking the bells, and stood straight. 

Changqing said, “Right, right!” (Xuedou: A mistake!) 

Magu then went to Nanquan and walked around his Chan seat three times. He brought his staff firmly to the floor, shaking the bells, and stood straight. 

Nanquan said, “Not right, not right!” (Xuedou: A mistake!) 

Magu said, “Changqing said ‘Right, right!’ and you said, ‘Not right, not right!’ Why is that?” 

Nanquan said, “Changqing is right, but you are not right. Your action is the movement of the wind. In the end it will perish.”

*Chenzhou is the name of a place.

Philip asks me to find him a shakujō!

This is a real story, not a made up story that sings its own song into the wind.

In preparation for his Mountain Seat, Philip called me to his room and pointed me to the third drawer down in a small Japanese cabinet. 

He asked, “See that funny thing with all rings? It’s meant to sit on the top of a pole. Find me a pole. It has to fit on tight so that it won’t fall off.”

I picked up an odd looking thing, wondering what it was actually. About six rings held together by another brass ring right at the bottom of which was a kind of oversized thimble shape. It seemed to be about 2 inches in diameter but it was obviously Japanese and so it would be an odd metric size. 

Off I went around the corner to Cliffs Hardware with the funny brass thimble thing in my pocket to examine what poles they had in stock. I tried them all, and finally found a broom with a handle probably 56 inches long, but the top had been carefully rounded off so that hard edges didn’t cut the hard working hands of an overburdened housewife. It actually accepted the convex female shape of the jingle jangle thing perfectly. The broom part was detachable. It screwed otf.

I paid 15 dollars and ran back to Hartford Street. I showed Phil, actually I handed it to him so that he could examine it with his fingers, blind as a bat. He liked the way the pole met the ring that corralled the rest of the rings. Then I unscrewed the brush and handed him the pole as he stood up. He bashed it to the floor and shouted “Too short. Taller, kid, taller. I need to hold it about here and walk in a measured pace.” He put out his arm and I could see that the top of the pole was below his shoulder. It needed another foot.

I had kept the sales slip so I screwed the broom back on the handle and rushed back to Cliffs. But I couldn’t find another broom with a tapered stick that was long enough. So I looked at the long poles. I would have to take a chance and have one cut. The problem was that they were either way too thick and would never accept the jingle jangle thimble or way too thin and just didn’t have the substantial feel of a walking stick. There was a deadline. I had to choose and put my money down. Cut it to 72 inches at 3 bucks a foot. I took a chance. It offended my aesthetic sense though. A straight cut at the top of the thin pole set the jingle jangle thimble askew, but I could get some thin nails long enough to keep it from popping off.

Phil grabbed the stick and hit the ground. The rings were near enough to his ear to make the proper sound and he smiled. He draped some ribbons through the rings, and banged what was now his shakujō on each step as he descended the stairs into the zendo where inherited the Mountain Seat from Steve. 

Later though the stick did not support when it would all end. Blind as a bat he reached back for the chair that wasn’t there and fell, breaking his assbone, never to take a seat ever again. 

That is also true. The whole thing is True oh so true right to the metric size of the Jingle Jangle Rings and the Fall ass backwards which turned out Wrong oh so wrong. Right right.

The Verse

For each of us there is a place 

Wherein we will tolerate no disorder. 

We habitually clean and reorder it, 

But we allow many other surfaces and regions 

To grow dusty, rank and wild. 

So I walk as far as a clump of bay trees 

Beside the creek’s milky sunshine 

To hunt for words under the stones 

Blessing the demons also that they may be freed 

From Hell and demonic being 

As I might be a cop, “Awright, move it along, folks, 

It’s all over, now, nothing more to see, just keep 

Moving right along” 

I can move along also 

“Bring your little self and come on” 

What I wanted to see was a section of creek 

Where the west bank is a smooth basalt cliff 

Huge tilted slab sticking out of the mountain 

Rocks on the opposite side channel all the water 

Which moves fast, not more than a foot deep, 

Without sloshing or foaming. 

“The Bay Trees Were About to Bloom"

Tassajara, 11:II:79 

Philip Whalen

A Song for the Wind

Jingle Jangle

Bingle Bangle

Bingo Bango

Trimble Tangle

Tinkle Tango

Oh oh oh

No no no

Too short, too tall

Too thick, too thin

Too heavy, just right


Superlative Mudgeon 


Fly away

Spingle Spangle

Humpty Dumpty

Crummy Bunny

Tangle untangle

Bing Bang

Walla walla

Bang bang

Thump thud

The end

Good bye dear Phillip.

I am in tears.